The Catch Berlin

Centered around the ‘wabi-sabi’ philosophy or the acceptance of transience and imperfection. The interior embraces techniques such as ‘shou sugi ban’ and ‘kintsugi’, and benefits from the clever integration of contrasts between textures, materials, colours etc. A custom-made light resembles a Japanese boat – the ‘wasen’. Japanese door curtains or ‘noren’ inspired the panels above the bar. Neon lighting and manga-style features hint at modern day Tokyo. It’s a celebration of Japan while also respecting its location in a historical building in Berlin. Lighting takes the space from restaurant by day to cocktail bar by night.

The design team was personally involved, not just overseeing, but guiding the process and participating on site.

Design: Zane Tetere-Sulce, Beatrise Dzerve, Olga Ponomarjova

Build: Promark Construction, Aldis Buss (@bushmandoo)


6 thoughts on “The Catch Berlin”

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